"I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton, performed in sign language by Stephen Torrence. This one is December Song Week #6 and it goes out to all my pill junkie homies. Lyrics/gloss below. Enjoy! I get up early when the sleeping pill wakes me MORNING PILL HIT, I AWAKE I take a wake up pill and fill with energy ENERGY PILL-TAKE, AWAKE! I power on hard and I check my messages COMPUTER TURN-ON, MESSAGE LOOK-FOR But I dont have any messages BUT NOT HAVE MESSAGE I take a driving pill and head to my car DRIVE PILL-TAKE, CAR GET-IN I drive around a bit cuz work isnt very far [CAR CIRCLING] WORK [RIGHT-THERE] I call my phone and I check my messages MY PHONE, MESSAGE WAIT-FOR But I dont have any messages BUT NOT HAVE MESSAGE All I know is driving on drugs feels better when theyre prescription I KNOW DRIVING WITH PRESCRIPTION DRUG BETTER All I know is the world looks beautiful, the world looks so damn beautiful I KNOW WORLD BEAUTIFUL, WORLD REALLY BEAUTIFUL And I feel fantastic I FEEL FANTASTIC And I never felt as good as how I do right now BEFORE NEVER FELT-LIKE NOW Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day BUT PONDER, MAYBE ONE-DAY PAST When I felt the way that I do right now, right now, right now. I FEEL [SAME-THEN-AND-NOW], NOW++ [repeats] Work is anything but quiet these days RECENTLY WORK BUSY I try to medicate my concentration haze CANT FOCUS, CONFUSION, PILL-TAKE++ I can feel the day unfold in front of me PAPER [PILING UP], PUSH ASIDE So I take the stairs and hit ...